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WTFRIDAYS: Rock N’ Roll Pope, Milkshake Squirrel & More

God bless America, and God bless WTFridays! The Pope is in the USA, but is the holiest of Tolkien fans only here to push his new prog-rock album? Yeah, that’s right, Pope Francis is finally dropping his first LP, a collection of his most moving speeches set to music and curated by producer and artistic director Don Giulio Neroni, who also worked on albums for Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI. You can listen to the first track “Wake up! Go! Go! Forward!” now, and if you close your eyes you can imagine a music video where His Holiness recites this motivational speech in front of a green screen while wearing a rat-tail braid, (ya know, like Shia LaBoeuf.)

Join Jessica Chobot as we also take a look at the newest star of the “small animal + food = everything” craze that is sweeping the nation, as well as a new website that’s like Twitch for eating food, and a different view of the Doctor Who-Beatles mash-up photo that hit the web this week, all on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Don’t miss Chobot’s preview of the new Assassin’s Creed game from London when it previews later today, and let us know in the comments if you think you’re going to start eating food on YouTube to pay for your college education.

Extra special thanks to UltraSabers, who gave us that super rad Star Wars: The Force Awakens Crossguard saber!

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