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Nerdist News

WTFridays: 7000-Foot iPhone Drop, Batman’s Parents Death Supercut, and Circus Drones

We’re not gonna lie, folks – this has been a strange week of Nerdist News. We’ve covered everything from the Deadpool movie’s MPAA rating to the exclusive news that Keanu Reeves might be down for Speed 3 to the unfortunately bendable iPhone 6 Plus to a strange “ball” found on the surface of Mars. How could we possibly one-up the odd for today’s Nerdist News WTFridays? Let’s see…

On today’s show, Jessica Chobot‘s showing you a supercut of every single Thomas and Martha Wayne death scene in Batman history, some dancing drones by the Cirque du Soleil, an iPhone 6 Plus drop test from a wingsuit 7000 feet in the air, and of course, your Best Worst Comment of the Week. Oh, and the Biggest Anaconda Ever. Not too shabby, friends. Not too shabby.

Thanks for watching this wonderfully weird week of Nerdist News! Don’t forget to come on back for more after the weekend, catch a new Just Cosplay and let us know in the comments below what your favorite Wayne family death scene is!

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  1. Dave says:

    Not redemption… but cool