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Witness: LEGO Versions of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Vehicles

It’s only May, but I’m convinced I’ve seen the best film of the summer. Mad Max: Fury Road was a wild ride–so much so that it should come with a special rating to warn you that you’ll feel like driving aggressively when you leave the theater–and full of visuals that burn into your brain. You have the unforgiving but still beautiful landscape, the characters, and the vehicles. Yeah, George Miller brought a rich and dangerous world to the screen rather successfully. The film is inspiring all kinds of creators; people have made two dimensional art, a Mario Kart mash-up, and even LEGO versions of Fury Road’s vehicles. LEGO builder Will has tackled three models from the movie: Immortan Joe’s Gigahorse, the Doof Warrior’s wagon, and Imperator Furiosa’s war rig. So shiny.

Will hasn’t even seen Mad Max: Fury Road yet. He’s based in Japan,and it doesn’t hit theaters there until June. He referenced set photos and trailers for his creations. He’s been following production of the film since 2012, and the Gigahorse jumped out at him. Since it’s a double-bodied ’59 Cadillac, he used bodies of the Ecto-1 from his Ghostbusters set (it’s the same model of car) to build the beast.

The war rig took Will about three months to build. He calls her “Princess” and says it was challenging to develop the right shape and not to go overboard with the spikes. I think there are more than enough to make her intimidating. And then there’s the Doof Warrior’s wagon. Immortan Joe’s fiery guitar player rode on what Will calls the weirdest looking but effective vehicle.

Be sure to look through the gallery below to see more shots of each LEGO car. I’d proudly take any of these into battle or on the road, but Will’s take on the war rig is my top pick. Which of these blocky sets of wheels is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

HT: Kotaku, Images: Will on Flickr


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