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Will ROGUE ONE Answer a Major STAR WARS Question?

Nothing gets us more excited than a new Star Wars trailer, and the latest Rogue One footage has us counting the minutes until December 16! There’s a lot to unpack in those clips, including a nearly 40-year old plot hole from the original Star Wars. Has Rogue One: A Star Wars Story given us the answer to a long-standing question? Today’s Nerdist News is leading the Imperial investigation!

There are potential spoilers ahead, if this theory turns out to be accurate. But we’re pretty confident in this one, so consider yourselves warned! Nerdist News host, and known Rebel sympathizer, Jessica Chobot has the details!

Everyone remembers the first Death Star as the ultimate weapon with a strangely unprotected weakness: a single exhaust port that could be used to start a destructive chain reaction. Sure, it took a “one-in-a-million” shot from future Jedi Luke Skywalker to destroy the Death Star, but it was almost too simple. Why would anyone leave such an important spot so undefended? If the new Rogue One trailer is any indication, it wasn’t a mistake at all. In fact, it might have been a deliberate act of sabotage.

Who could be responsible for this? Why none other than Galen Erso, as played by Hannibal‘s Mads Mikkelsen. While we’re fairly certain that Galen wasn’t around for the initial construction of the Death Star, the new footage suggests that he played a role in creating the planet-killing super laser. That may have provided Galen with the critical intel to pass on to his daughter, Jyn Erso; which eventually led to the Death Star’s destruction. But the fate of Galen, Jyn, and the Rebels responsible for stealing the Death Star plans won’t be revealed until Rogue One finally arrives in theaters.

What do you think about our latest Rogue One theory? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!


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