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ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Offers New Character Details

Every day we inch closer to the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and today we’ve got a some new tasty bits of info on the new film that will make waiting a bit easier. Or harder, maybe. Either way, Entertainment Weekly’s latest issue will be giving us a closer look into the Gareth Edwards film. If you don’t want to hear anything about the new movie, now would be a great time to turn back.

The latest issue’s cover is going to give us a bit of a sneak peak into some of the new Imperial toys—things like the AT-ACT (a slimmer version of the AT-AT) and the flat, fang-shaped TIE Strikers. It’ll be interesting to see what new tricks those machines can do once the film hits theaters. You can get a closer look at the EW cover here:

Rogue One EW Cover

Of course, while we love seeing new, intergalactic tech, what we’re really aching for is a closer look into the characters and story. One such character we’ve been curious about for some time is Mads Mikkelsen’s. While the issue of EW will go into more detail about who he is, we now officially can say that Mikkelsen is playing Jyn Erso’s dad, a scientist who is highly sought after by both the Imperial and Rebel armies. Of course, Mikkelsen is only one character in a huge lineup that we’re curious about, and the issue will be giving us a bit more info about them. Namely, we’ll be learning more about the other characters helping Jyn in her quest to steal the Death Star plans; along for the ride are Diego Luna‘s character and Alan Tudyk‘s motion-capture droid. And we learned some more about Forest Whitaker‘s character afterwards!

While it’s still unclear if we’ll see Alden Ehrenreich as everyone’s favorite scruffy-looking nerf-herder in Rogue One, EW has officially announced that we will absolutely be seeing at least one character from the original Star Wars trilogy: Darth Vader. We don’t know how large of a role he’ll have in the new film, but he will absolutely be representing the Dark Side in Rogue One. Hell. Yes.

If you want to get more info on Rogue One as well as see some cast interviews and more photos from the film, be sure to pick up this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly, on sale this Friday!

What are you most excited about from Rogue One? Will you be picking up a copy of the magazine, or do you want to try to stay away from movie tidbits and spoilers? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

Featured Image: Disney/Lucasfilm

Image: Entertainment Weekly 

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