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Everything We Learned on the JUSTICE LEAGUE Set Visit

Holy info dump, Batman! Last week, along with a bunch of other sites, we went to the Justice League set in London to find out more about the upcoming DC team-up flick. Don’t worry, we’re jumping straight in on the hot goss on today’s Nerdist News.

Batman v Superman wasn’t exactly everyone’s cup of bat-tea, but it sounds like Warner Bros wants to up the ante this time around. Though set visits are certainly not a complete indicator of the quality of a film, we learned a ton of details about the upcoming movie. Justice League will revolve around Batman assembling the Justice League, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, and Superman. The league will hunt down three Mother Boxes (divided among Atlantis, Themyscira, and Cyborg’s body) before Steppenwolf and his Parademons can get to them. What a clear and coherent plot already outlined! (Sorry, BvS) This could have something to do with Zack Snyder and his producing partner and wife Deborah confirming that this film will be much lighter than the dark, dark Dawn of Justice. In fact, two of the clips shown at the London set visit confirmed a high-spirited take on these DC heroes. Guys, Batman even jokes in the clips! Yeah, jokes. And Wonder Woman smiles? It’s a Bat-mas miracle.

Outside of snippets of the film, the concept art teased how much bigger, splashier, and comic book-y this film might be. First of all, Batman’s got a second vehicle called the Knight Crawler. (The name alone sold us.) It’s got like, spider-like legs that can pierce or climb any surface, with a badass flamethrower perfect for combatting Parademons. There was also a rendering of Cyborg’s costume, and it seems like he’ll be able to grow in size as well as wear a full-on helmet, turn his hand into a gun, and even sprout an extra pair of arms! Batman’s also got an armored suit including special padding underneath, getting closer to the look of the Dark Knight we all know and love.

But! That’s not all! The most inspiring news from this set visit came from our chat with the Batman himself. Affleck referred to the Justice League’s take on Batman as a man who believes in humanity again. We’ll truly see him as the world’s greatest detective, with gallows humor and a penchant for leadership. This sounds like the Batman we deserve… We still won’t know if Justice League lives up to the hype until it’s actually out in theaters, but for now, we’ll keep mining for intel and hope for the best!

So what do you guys think? Do all these Justice League reports make you hopeful for the future of the DCU? Are you as jazzed about the Mother Box/Steppenwolf plot as I am? Who’s all still pumped for Suicide Squad? Let’s discuss!

Don’t miss even more Justice League details from Amy Ratcliffe‘s set visit reports:

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