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When Tom Hanks Met Carly Rae Jepsen and Broke the Internet

In 2012, Carly Rae Jepsen made waves with her hit “Call Me Maybe,” and broke the internet by performing it alongside Jimmy Fallon and the Roots. With her new video “I Really Like You,” she asked the question: “How can I top that success?”  The answer is one word: HANKS.

The video, released yesterday, takes us through what I HAVE to believe is a normal day in the life of Tom Hanks, as he gets up in the morning and walks through the city, lip-syncing Jepsen without a care in the world. If you think you have an arguement AGAINST this, go back and listen to his appearances on The Nerdist Podcast here and here. You will never be more pleased to be proven wrong in your life. Signing autographs and taking selfies with fans along the way, he finally meets up with Jepsen and breaks into a song and dance number as only the star of BIG can do.

Here is the video in all it’s glory, and should act as a great palate-cleanser for the Nickelback video we posted yesterday. (Pay no attention to the cameo at the end.  Although I will say this: If you are trying to get your act together, being seen with Tom Hanks is a GREAT start.)

You can find more on Carly Rae, such as future releases and tour dates, on her official website.


Is Tom Hanks still the greatest person ever?  Is he now the worst? Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below!


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  1. bibliophilea says:

    Oh my giddy aunt, this is glorious! I love Tom Hanks!

  2. SweetCobra says:

    This is on par with that new Nickelback disco song.  Good idea on a marketing aspect, although I feel like Jepsen fans might not really be huge Hanks fans due to age. 

  3. critter42 says:

    there’s a joke there somewhere. Tom Hanks, Carly Rae Jespen and Justin Bieber walk into a bar…

    • Mike says:

      Tom Hanks walks up to the bartender and orders a beer.  The bartender pours, sets the glass down in front of Hanks, and says “That’ll be $5”.

      Next up, Caryl Rae Jepsen orders a beer.  The bartender pours, sets the glass down in front of her, and says “That’ll be $2.50…it’s ladies night, drinks are half off for women.”

      Lastly, Justin Beiber orders a beer.  The bartender pours, sets the glass down on the bar, looks at Justin and says “That’ll be $2.50”.

  4. Lola says:

    Canadians, just hideous …

    • Elana says:

      I really hope you’re joking, because that’s a pretty uncalled for comment. Not really in the spirit of Nerdist.

  5. Scott says:

    I have always wanted to meet Tom Hanks, but now I want meet him even more.

  6. Jay says:

    Tom Hanks is the master.

  7. Vicki says:

    Uh, is that Justin Beiber at the end?