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What Will GAME OF THRONES’ Creators Do With STAR WARS?

Once they’re done with Westeros Game of Thrones‘ creators are heading off to the galaxy far, far away. Does that mean we should be terrified all of our favorite Star Wars characters will be killed off? On today’s Nerdist News Talks Back we discussed what their space adventure might look like, along with breaking down the new Deadpool 2 and Jessica Jones season two trailers.

Not hosting today was Jessica Chobot, who handed off the reigns to producer Derek Johnson who won their “will Solo get a Super Bowl teaser” bet. They were joined by Nerdist editors Amy Ratcliffe and Kyle Anderson, and they started with the new, Cable-interoducing Deadpool 2 trailer. What did we think of it? Was Cable worth the wait? What do make of our first look at Brolin in the role? And do we still dig Deadpool’s 4th-wall breaking meta-comedy, or are we over it?

We also got a trailer for the second season of Jessica Jones. Do we think the show can live up to its stellar first season? Is it even possible for them to top a villain like Kilgrave? With Disney no longer making new Marvel series for Netflix, would a bad season put the other shows at risk? And is it the strongest superhero show currently on TV?

Finally, Game of Thrones’ creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are set to write a whole new Star Wars trilogy after they finish up in the Seven Kingdoms. Does this mean Luke and Leia’s kiss will be a minor footnote in Star Wars incest history? With so many movies in the franchise already planned, what other filmmakers would we like to see get a shot?

As always Nerdist News Talks Back airs live every weekday at 1:00 p.m. PT on our YouTube and Alpha channels. Tune in and discuss the biggest pop culture news of the day, every day, especially because at this rate we always have another new Star Wars project to talk about.

But we still want to hear from you, so share your thoughts about today’s show in the comments below.

Images: HBO, Lucasfilm, ABC

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