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WESTWORLD Renewed for Season 3

HBO announced today that Westworld has been renewed for a third season. Westworld became appointment television practically the moment it premiered, and it’s only gotten better with the time-jumping, mind-bending beginnings of season two. Now, we know that we’ll be getting even more of everyone’s favorite… however you’d describe it. Let’s just go with “sci-fi/Western/mystery/??? TV show” until we think of something snappier.

As of this afternoon, we don’t know much more than the fact that season three will exist. And given past events, we know the Westworld team won’t be giving anything away about what will transpire in the third season. (Heck, they won’t give anything away about what’ll happen in the next episode, so why would they drop anything more than esoteric clues about the future of Delos, the Man in Black, and all our favorite robots?) Still, that doesn’t make the announcement any less thrilling. But if all this vagueness doesn’t satisfying you and you can’t resist brainstorming new theories already, I suggest using Evan Rachel Wood’s Twitter feed as a springboard.

What are you not telling us, Dolores? Is that even your name?

A mere eight episodes remain in season two. Now we have the consolation of starting the countdown over again when this chapter draws to a close.

Which Delos destination will we see in season three? Share your theories in the comments!

Images: HBO

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