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Images from WESTWORLD’s 2nd Episode Promise Reunions Old and New

Westworld‘s deadly season two premiere spanned multiple timelines, and it looks like the show’s second episode of the season, titled “Reunion,” will continue to explore connected stories separated by decades, because it’s going to bring characters together in the past and present.

The most exciting still from this week’s episode features a meeting between Maeve and Dolores, who has Teddy armed and ready nearby, out in the park. This takes place after Ford was killed but before we see Bernard wake up on the beach, in that mysterious two-week span we have a lot to learn about. Beyond Teddy having his gun pointed at Maeve, it looks like Dolores doesn’t trust her either since her hand is on her holster. We’re fairly confident whatever the issue is Maeve will be okay, since they ultimately are on the same side, but whatever issue Dolores has this meeting ccould give us insight into why she was seen on tape hunting down other hosts.

We also have another shot of Teddy from a time when the park was functioning and he didn’t look so rough. Could this flashback help us explain why we last saw him dead in the river?

Speaking of looking better, we also see Dolores in normal people clothes, but thanks to episode one‘s post-credits sneak peak at the rest of the season, this looks like it happens many years ago at an event hosted by young William (played by Jimmi Simpson). That is likely to take place after young William’s events of season one, which is why this looks to be one of the reunions that give the episode its name. How might the memory of this excursion influence what Dolores plans to do to get out of the park? And how does it shape how she thinks about William now?

But that won’t be the end of Williams’s story in this episode, because we also see the older Man in Black version. But just like Teddy this looks to predate the robotic uprising currently taking place, because he has no scratches on his face like he does in the present.

We’re not sure any of these reunions will lead to good things for anyone, except for the one where two robots pull a gun on another one.

Westworld is a really weird amusement park.

What do you make of these images? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: HBO

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