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WESTWORLD: 3 Big Theories About the Maze

Unlike other notable J.J. Abrams-produced “mystery box” shows Westworld seems intent on offering a decent plot-reveal-to-viewer-investment ratio. Last night’s episode actually gave us definitive answers to several of the show’s bigger questions, which leaves us wondering… is there anything left to resolve? What could the show possibly saving for the season one finale next week? Well, luckily there’s still one big mystery left at the center of Westworld: what is the maze? The show has been dangling that puzzle in front of us for a while now with only the smallest of clues as to what the answer might be. Of course the internet has it’s fair share of theories and we’ve pulled out our three favorites.

  1. The Maze is actually a series of tests the Hosts have to go through to gain free will. Arnold planted code in the Hosts that make them think they’re getting commands from the voice of God. We’ve seen Dolores following these commands and, as she does, she’s broken further and further away from Ford’s control. Perhaps these orders from the Lord are like a test Arnold set up, and completing them all are like the twists and turns of the maze.
  2. The Maze is a self-destruct button that will destroy the park. Arnold hated Westworld by the time he died. We’ve even heard Dolores say that she was going to help him destroy it. Perhaps reaching the center of the maze will trigger that destruction. It would help explain the Man in Black’s obsession with the maze. He considers himself the best player in the game, now he’s trying to end it so no one can beat his high score.
  3. The Maze is the source code of the entire park. We’ve seen something that looks a lot like the maze on the Host’s control tablets. This could be a clue that the Maze is actually a piece of code that all of the Hosts share, and whoever can get control of it get’s control of the entire park.

But what do you think? Have we solved this maze or are we just hitting a bunch of dead ends? Let us know in the comments.

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