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We Never Asked For This: DEUS EX Film Finds New Writer

When last we heard anything regarding the upcoming film adaptation of cyberpunk shooter Deus Ex: Human Revolution, CBS Films and Square Enix were in the process of working on a script with now confirmed Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson (who was also attached to direct the film) and writing partner C. Robert Cargill. However, it seems that version of the film is dead – not surprising considering Derrickson’s new role in the MCU – and a new writer has been brought on to the film with no director currently being named.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Sinister duo has been replaced by Predators writer Michael Finch with producers John Middleton, Roy Lee and Adrian Askarieh still attached. No stranger to adapting video games for the big screen, Finch also did work on the upcoming Hitman: Agent 47 (which will make a footage debut at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con) for CBS Films.

While it’s nice to hear an update on the adaptation, it’s a bit of a bummer to hear Derrickson and Cargill are off it. We were really looking forward to what their sci-fi epic was going to look like and how they were going to bring the character of Adam Jensen to life. Well, at least there’s always The Outer Limits, which the duo are still attached to write while Derrickson is in prep on Doctor Strange. And there’s always wild speculation as to who will be playing Doctor Strange until we (hopefully) find out this Saturday during Marvel’s Comic-Con panel.

What do you think of the new screenwriting augmentations for the Deus Ex adaptation? Let us know in the comments below.



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