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Watch Tony Hawk Ride The Hendo Hoverboard

Tony Hawk is also the first skateboarder to do a 900 on a hoverboard.

Since October, our resident science expert Kyle Hill has been showing you the glory that is the Hendo Hoverboard. While the prototype is a bit pricey, the board does enable its rider to live out all his or her Back to the Future fantasies, so of course we have to talk about it, right? Earlier this month, you watched as Kyle tried to ride the new creation, and while he lived up to his name as resident science guy by breaking down everything we needed to know about the new tech, when it came to his moves, there was still some learning to be done.

But, perhaps the board’s latest rider would be kind enough to give him some pointers: Tony Hawk.

Yes, that is indeed everyone’s favorite skateboarder and Nintendo 64 character model, Tony Hawk, riding a hover board and not doing too shabby a job doing a 900…like five of them in a row.

Now, there’s no signs of hover-boarding become the next X-games competition category, but we do love the thought of guys like Tony Hawk turning hover-boarding into a truly gnarly spectacle. It may look like slow goings now, but imagine what the man that made the Ollie 900 a dramatic accomplishment could make happen with a year of practice under his belt.

However, we’re thinking pretty far into the future. For now, let’s just marvel at the fact this technology finally exists, and with any luck, will be available to us sooner rather than later when the Hendo developer kits ship late next year.

Great Scott! Our very own Science Editor Kyle Hill had a chance to write the Hendo hoverboard — check it out:

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