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Watch the Crew of the Enterprise-D Get Wacky in These STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Bloopers

If you still haven’t seen Paramount’s Blu-ray releases of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you’re missing out on one of the great TV restorations of our time. No longer confined to the murky tones of standard resolution, the adventures of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D positively pop with color and clarity, as heretofore unseen details reveal themselves. And the new special effects (respectfully reworked from the show’s original low-res digital effects) make the Star Trek universe feel that much more eternal. You can experience a taste of all this in the following blooper reel video (courtesy of Uproxx) from the show’s seventh season and final. Available on December 2nd, it includes the unforgettable last episode “All Good Things…”, still one of the finest TV series finales in history, and unquestionably the greatest Star Trek series capper. But for now, just enjoy the unflappable Patrick Stewart fight the urge to let out a hearty — ah, but that would be telling…

You just know there had to have been a lot more going on with Picard and Crusher off screen, eh? But what we did see of their relationship made for some of season 7’s most memorable moments, particularly in “All Good Things…” where the show flashes forward to the crew’s future (as well as backwards to their past). As for what’s going on with Jonathan Frakes in the above video, well, your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully there will be some explanation, and a lot more bloopers, when the Blu-ray arrives. But even if the outtakes don’t provide enough laughs, there’s always the unintentional hilarity of the “romantic” ghost story in season 7’s worst episode “Sub Rosa”. Engage!

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  1. Josh says:

    Sub Rosa was pretty bad, but Masks might be even worse!

  2. Mark says:

    I would not be surprised at all if Picard and Crusher were crushin it behind the scenes.