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Watch Some Epic LARPing in Mastodon’s Video For ‘High Road’

Wailing metal riffs and mobs of faux weapon-wielding LARPers go together like giants and wooly mammoths in Mastodon’s excellent video for their adrenaline-churning single “High Road.” Watch as our nebbish teenage protagonist gets the crap kicked out of him, and then undergoes a rigorous Rocky-esque training regimen with his grandparents so that he can claim the glory of the suburban Iron Throne.

Will the three bench presses be enough? What about the kung fu moves on his backyard trampoline? Only the old and new gods can know for sure. One thing is for certain though: it always helps to have a really cool old guy on your team.

Gear up and check out the video below! Mastodon’s new album, Once More ‘Round In The Sun, drops June 24 via Reprise. Feel free to pre-order using bitcoin. You think the band might also be willing to accept dogecoin? I sure hope so.

Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow our music musings on twitter @NerdistMusic.

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  1. J.J. says:

    As an FYI, the spelling should be ‘Mastodon’.