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Watch Quentin Tarantino’s SUICIDE SQUAD

What if Quentin Tarantino had been tapped by Amanda Waller to orchestrate a Suicide Squad-like team of antiheroes from his own celluloid creations? Who would he choose? Who would be his Rick Flagg? His Harley? His Deadshot? This wonderfully absurd idea has been explored by the video team at Loot Crate for their Antihero themed shipment, and the results, as seen above, are pretty spectacular.


Lt. Aldo Raine of Inglourious Basterds fame stands in for Rick Flagg as the tactician of the team, who have been tasked with taking down the varied antagonists of Tarantino’s filmography (and real life): the German Nazis.

Beatrix Kiddo, a.k.a. The Bride, stands in for DC’s Katana, Gogo Yubari for Madame Mayhem herself Harley Quinn, and Django and Jules Winnfield vie for Deadshot’s spot. As they say in the trailer: Django shoots people, Jules shoots them again.

The filmmakers do the source material justice, paying homage to iconic Tarantino cinematic shots like the black-and-white cutaway, the sword fighting overhead shot, the over-the-top bloodbaths, and the panning police lineup. It seems like the only thing they didn’t allude to was the nonlinear episodic storytelling often found in Tarantino’s movies. Then again, this was made as a parody trailer and two minutes isn’t really the space to try and play with nonlinear narratives. Director Julian Higgins did manage to fit in a Wilhelm Scream (at the 1:49 mark) though; that alone places the video in contention for Best Sound Mix Oscar, right? I’m no math guy, but I think 200% of winners have featured a Wilhelm Scream. (It could be less.)

What say ye? Do you think this lineup is the lineup for a Tarantino character-filled Suicide Squad? Who would you have added? Let us know below or tweet us and Loot Crate with your #TarantinoSuicideSquad.

Images: Loot Crate/YouTube

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