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Watch Chris Messina Narrate Skylar Astin and Anna Camp’s Fight in THE OVEN Short Film

Ahh yes, the car fight. A well-known obstacle of couples everywhere — causing thousands of late reservations and ruined evenings the world over — the car fight is rife with bottled-up (literally and metaphorically) passive aggressive bullshittery that is rarely, if ever, actually solved in the automobile. Of course if you ended up with Chris Messina narrating your inner thoughts while mid-fight …well that changes things a bit. Just like it did for Sally Butler and Owen Miller.

In The Oven, written by — wait for it! — Nerdist and Smart Girls‘ own Becca Gleason, Sally (played by Anna Camp) and Owen (played by Skylar Astin)’s true feelings are brought to the forefront of the conversation thanks to an all-too all-knowing NPR-esque narrator (that aforementioned dreamboat, Messina) and through this cosmically confounding ability to buttinski, their problems are solved. See what happens when you tell the truth, you guys?!

Now let’s be real, here: sure, these two managed to open up to one another thanks to an omniscient stranger, but we highly doubt this would’ve worked with any other all-knowing, all-seeing type. That’s because — fun fact (and by “fact” we mean “total lie we just made up right now”) — Chris Messina is sort of like a real-life Santa Claus (only with a far better pout and the inviting, doe eyes of a stripper that really cares, y’know?): he sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, and he definitely knows if and when you and your girlfriend are bickering via passive aggressive bullshit that’s got you buried waist-deep. It is actually scientifically impossible to be anything other than honest around him.

What do you think of The Oven? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Julie says:

    Painfully accurate!!! Skylar and Anna are gold together. Loved this short film.