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Watch Batgirl Kick Ass in Latest THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Footage

Watch Batgirl Kick Ass in Latest THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Footage

Put on those capes and cowls, crimefighters. Because today’s Movie Morsels has two new TV spots for The LEGO Batman Movie, featuring some first rate new footage of the film’s heroes and villains, in particular one Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Batgirl. Plus, we’ve got a new featurette on Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast featuring an interview with star Emma Watson, the latest news on the Black Panther movie, and much more!

The LEGO Batman Movie

Time to break out those umbrellas, people, because a purple rain is about to fall on Gotham City in the minibrick form of Rosario’s Dawson’s Batgirl in The LEGO Batman Movie. I’m happy to see the film’s giving Barbara Gordon her classic purple costume, first introduced in the 1966 Batman TV series and recently brought back for the character’s New 52 incarnation; it is indeed much more eye-catching than the various grey and black outfits she’s received over the years. Even more intriguing, however, is the news that Babs is Gotham’s new police commissioner, leaving us to wonder where that leaves her proud papa Jim Gordon. Some footage of Batman’s longtime confidante can be glimpsed in the second of the two TV spots below. Now let the speculation begin…


Beauty and the Beast

Emma Watson is bringing as much joy and enthusiasm to her role as that “most peculiar mademoiselle” Belle in Bill Condon’s live action adaptation of Disney’s animated musical Beauty and the Beast as she does to every project she’s involved in. In fact, Watson’s excitement is positively contagious in the featurette below…

A new international poster for the film has also just landed online. It differs slightly from the domestic one we saw recently in that Belle isn’t facing the completely opposite direction of the Beast…


Black Panther


The Black Panther and Spider-Man were far and away the best things about last year’s Captain America: Civil War, so each of their upcoming spinoff films are right at the top of my list of most anticipated Marvel movies. We’ve just learned a little tidbit about what we can expect from T’Challa’s first solo foray on the big screen. According to San Francisco’s East Bay Times, a 1990s circa logo is being painted on a vintage bus for an establishing shot in the film…

“In one scene,” says the publication, “the film’s protagonist has a flashback to 1990, while he was a student at Saint Mary’s College High School in Berkeley. And of course, he’s a daily AC Transit commuter. Cue the 1990s-era bus for the appropriate establishing shot. (We’ll assume the bus is arriving on time. It is Hollywood, after all.”

Fun fact: Black Panther director Ryan Coogler also graduated from Saint Mary’s College High School.


Descendants 2

Yes, we have even more from the wonderful omniverse of Disney. The Mouse House has released a teaser for the sequel to their popular Disney Channel teen musical Descendants, featuring our latest look at the members of this titular band of antihero offspring. Someone needs to explain to Cruella de Vil’s kid that his puppy just ain’t doing much for his supposedly “wicked” image…

[Disney Descendants]

My Pet Dinosaur

Finally today, we have the first trailer for what some are apparently (and no doubt prematurely) hailing as “E.T. meets Pixar,” the very ’80s Amblin-looking My Pet Dinosaur. Call me sadistic, but I’m already hoping the kids in this film run into the kids from Stranger Things and the Demogorgon bites their dinosaur’s head clean off…

[The Hollywood Reporter]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Warner Bros.

Images: Warner Bros., Disney, Marvel



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