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Watch 90 Minutes of MAD MAX on PS4

Oh, what a day… what a lovely day! With a September 1 release date looming on the horizon, it’s time to rev-up the excitement of Avalanche Studios’ Mad Max video game that will be racing onto the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

GamesHQMedia has uploaded two different videos showing substantial amounts of maddening gameplay footage. The first one (video above) features 90 minutes of vehicular maneuverability in the Wasteland, and even hand-to-hand combat against some unfortunate war boys. There’s even a glimpse at the large map you’ll be able to carve up in your whip. It’s a thorough glimpse at what the minute-to-minute gameplay will look like.

If 90 minutes is still not enough to get you hyped (or the opposite of hyped), you can also watch the more condensed 13-minute video above. Immediately recognizable are the combat similarities to the Batman: Arkham series’ time-based counter system, and the Wasteland environment, which somewhat resembles the desolate lands in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. That’s not a knock on the game, because a combination of the two behemoths sounds epic.

Some other noteworthy tidbits include Fury mode, which adds extra oomph to each wallop dealt to those who dare oppose you. And taking the Trojan horse approach by walking into the enemy camp with their own vehicles sounds like too much fun.

This is no Fury Road, but it sure is looking good at this point. Will you be racing through the Wastelands come September? Or does this not look like your cup of Valhalla chrome? Let us know in the comment section below.

HT: GamesHQMedia 

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