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Watch 5 New Clips from BATMAN V SUPERMAN

For fans, it seems like the wait to see Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman finally on screen together has taken forever — almost eighty years if you think about it. But with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finally hitting next week, the long wait will finally be over. For you fans out there who simply can’t wait till later this week, however, Warner Brothers has released five clips from the film to tide us all over until then.

The first clip (above) shows Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor actually being villainous instead of just glib and annoying, as we’ve seen in the previous trailers. This is a longer version of the spiel he gives in one of the TV spots, where he goes on about the “greatest gladiator match in the history of the world — the Son of Krypton vs the Bat of Gotham.” He seems to have some kind of leverage over Superman at this point, as he seems to be manipulating him somehow into the fight with Batman. I’m sure that won’t go well for anyone.

The second scene is our first time hearing actress Gal Gadot actually speak as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince. In this scene, she seems to have stolen something from Bruce Wayne, who lets her know that he’s on to her. When he mentions that he’s known “women like her”, you can’t help but wonder if he means Catwoman.

Diana has the best response to this, telling Bruce “you’ve never known a woman like me.” Snap. I have to say, I love that Gal Gadot has an accent, because despite what Wonder Woman’s classic costume might suggest, she’s not an American, but an Amazon from an ancient Mediterranean island. She totally should have some kind of an accent.

This next scene is an all-new one, one we haven’t seen at all in the trailers. Set at the Daily Planet, it features Amy AdamsLois Lane convincing Perry White (Laurence Fishburne) to let her tackle a story. Say what you want about Man of Steel, but I happen to think Amy Adams is the best Lois Lane on screen so far. At 40, she’s easily old enough to have believably become an accomplished reporter and won a Pulitzer, unlike Superman Returns’ Lois, Kate Bosworth, who I barely believed had graduated high school.

This following scene is one we’ve seen from the trailers and TV spots, only somewhat longer, with a pissed off Bruce Wayne explaining to Alfred (Jeremy Irons) why Superman must be brought down. I mean, Bruce does make some good points here. Bruce also says to Alfred “how many good men are left in Gotham? How many stayed that way?” My fanboy brain instantly thinks he’s referring to Harvey Dent/Two-Face. [Editor’s Note: My brain went right there too.]

The last scene is the one we’ve all seen by now from the trailers, only somewhat longer — the very first meeting between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne comes off as such an insufferable jerk in this scene as played by Affleck, but I kind of love it. Because let’s face it, Batman is kind of an insufferable jerk. Just ask any of the Robins.

Are these clips getting you all kinds of excited for the big showdown hitting theaters next week? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

HT: JoBlo via Slashfilm

IMAGE: Warner Brothers

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