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It’s been a chaotic last few months for fans of Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender follow-up, The Legend of Korra. Following the rushed airing of the third season of the animated series that was originally set to premiere this fall, the network decided to also move up the premiere of the final season. However, when that decision was made, it was also revealed the final episodes would air exclusively on every Friday until the finale. However, for unknown reasons, it appears that’s going to change.

According to an announcement made by the Legend of Korra Facebook page, the series will be returning to television for its final season on the Nickelodeon-owned cable network, Nicktoons, this Friday at 9pm. In addition, new episodes will reportedly remain premiering on throughout December.

While we’re completely thrilled to see Korra return to television, we can’t help but again feel as if Nickelodeon dropped the ball for longtime fans. Once again, they’re playing fast and loose with avid watchers of the series who must continue tracking their favorite show in order to know when they can watch it. Season three next fall became season three next week, which became season three online only, which became season four next month but only online which became season four on TV starting Friday. None of this seems fair to a series that’s done nothing but treat its fans with the utmost respect for the last two and a half years.

But, in the end, let’s just be happy we’ll be getting closure to one of the best animated franchises to ever be created in the format it deserves.

The Legend of Korra returns to TV this Friday at 9/8c on Nicktoons and will continue to air on


Featured Image courtesy of DeviantArt // Artist: Viciousdope



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  1. Vincent says:

    This information is incorrect. Book 4 was always supposed to air now. Book 3 came out late. 

  2. David says:

    Who said anything about closure?  We want more!!!

  3. Jon says:

    Finally the last season gets what it deserves!  Also, I recently heard about this group that is actually traveling the world to study the elements!  I don’t know much more but here’s a secret invite I found 

  4. Garry says:

    I will watch Korra through to the end out of loyalty, and the greatly increased quality we’ve seen in these later seasons, but I lay most of the issues the show has had at the feet of Nickelodeon.  Did the quality dip in the first and second seasons? Sure, but it was still a very good show, objectively speaking.  I still enjoyed the show in its entirety, and I honestly believe that about ninety percent of any problems it had was because Nickelodeon was jerking them around and not negotiating in good faith, especially concerning their budget (hence the need for the clips episode this past week).  Why they felt it justified or necessary to do this to one of the most successful and well-made shows that has ever been on their network, I don’t know, but I will never watch another nickelodeon show after this.  They’ve permanently lost me as a viewer.  Bryan and Mike, I wish you the best, and thank you so much for creating some of the finest shows on television.

  5. Ryutsashi says:

    Just pasting this in from a conversation with a friend:
    “‘But, in the end, let’s just be happy we’ll be getting closure to one of the best animated franchises to ever be created in the format it deserves.’
    No, not a good attitude”
    “Sure he hit me, but at least he’s sorry!”
    “Not even that. ‘Sure he hit me, but at least he took me back'”

  6. rob says:

    i just want to know what happen to sokka and sukie just explain that please. p.s azula to 

  7. Sean says:

    In the beginning of the show, I remember them saying they will talk about  zuko and his mom. I guess that isn’t happening!

    • Nick says:

      The whole thing with Zuko’s mother was revealed in the graphic novel “The Promise”. It’s been confirmed by the creators of the show as canonical.

  8. smokes says:

    wtf nickelodeon – W T actual F. you should be paying these guys to create season5 6 and 7. not messing about with the scheduling and trying to kill off an amazingly succesful franchise. pfft, executives…

    • K Dub says:

      The creators have repeatedly stated that they don’t want to continue the series past book 4 and want to focus on new projects

      • rob says:

        so these people want to drop this epic awesomness for probably a piece of shit. well thats just stupid 

        • Jason says:

          Or they just want to leave on a high note and do something else to freshen the palette.  Possibly returning with a new Avatar series in the future.  Remember Korra was originally going to be only ONE 12 episode miniseries.

  9. harris says:

    just go to and see all episodes online untill the 8th episode of season’s 4…..

  10. Whimsy says:

    At least they’re not cancelling the show before its time alla Young Justice or forcing the show to end with no warning, causing the last season to be unwatchable garbage alla Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

  11. Andrew says:

    Make up your mind Nickelodeon! 

  12. Still me says:

    Nobody saved firefly nobody stopped the third transformers if there’s a fight worth havin it’s for a big budget legend of Zelda.hbos not gonna do the dark tower so what’s left

  13. Me says:


  14. korrafan69 says:

    Flop journalism.
    Book 4 will premiere on NICKTOONS starting with its first episode. Episodes 9-13 will be like currently premiered through the website

  15. devlant says:

    The way this article is worded is misleading.

    The last few episodes will still be premiering online – Nicktoons will just be airing them afterward.

  16. haley says:

    Ugh, it seems like the shows has a lot of fans (or I’m overly excited about it), yet gets cut so often. Last week’s online episode was basically clips and recaps of the series. It was still humorous, but with a lot of buildup episodes, we’re waiting for a showdown to happen!

  17. Nikki says:

    I would LOVE for them to try and keep the Avatar shows going. At least make one more of the show, with a different Avatar again. I would LOOOVE that! Just one more, please?!?!

    • haley says:

      I really wish too! although i heard they are not due to the creators have been working both avatar’s for about a decade now..but we want MOAR!

    • Allie says:

      There are comic books created by dark house. While there are only confirmed comics for the gaang right now, Bryan did say it continuing for Korra could be a possibility. I don’t know whether to hold out for that or not, but it is something. Who even knows about a new avatar, it would be cool.

    • Jordan says:

      It would be cool if they did a mini-series on the founding of Republic City and the later years of Avatar Aang and crew. Kind of like a bridge between the 2 existing shows.

  18. Sean says:

    It is important to note that what will air on Friday on Nicktoons is Episode 1 of Book 4, not Episode 9 (which is what will be airing online at  So, they aren’t moving the current cycle back to tv, they are just restarting Book 4 on Nicktoons, while is finishes out online…not sure if that is actually any better…