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Listen to VOLTRON’s Emperor Zarkon Sing “You’ll Be Back” from HAMILTON

The cast of Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender are no strangers to musical covers. Perhaps you remember this magnificent cover of Moana‘s “You’re Welcome,” sung by Josh Keaton as Shiro with background vocals from the Pidge, Allura, Zarkon, and Lotor actors.

Well, they’re back at their singing shenanigans with another cover from a popular musical, this time a Zarkon-inspired rendition of Hamilton‘s “You’ll Be Back.” Neil Kaplan, who plays the forbidding Emperor, shared the link on Twitter, tagging Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda in the post.

The video doesn’t contain any visuals like the Moana song, but does feature Zarkon’s trademark menacing intonations, set to the cheery-sounding but slightly morbid lyrics.

In Hamilton, “You’ll Be Back” is sung by King George, who warns America about the inconvenience of independence and why it should remain under British command. This can be directly applied to Voltrons seventh season, when the Paladins’ successful separation from Zarkon’s empire drastically changed the state of the galaxy.

The cover is a fun homage that speaks to the universe of Voltron and lets the cast continue having their musical fun. Miranda hasn’t responded to the tweet yet, but we’d love to hear his take on Zarkon’s attempt at a King George impression.

If you’re a fan of Voltron: Legendary Defender, be sure to checkout Form Podcast, where Nerdist’s own Kyle Anderson sits down with the showrunners, voice actors, writers and artists of the DreamWorks show, bringing you exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

Images: Netflix/DreamWorks

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