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Nerdist Special Reports

Vin Diesel Talks FAST & FURIOUS Crossovers, Riddick vs. THE LAST WITCH HUNTER, and Groot’s Vocabulary

Vin Diesel recently came by the Nerdist offices to play a thrilling round of Dungeons & Dragons based on his character in the upcoming supernatural action thriller, The Last Witch Hunter. Dan Casey, Jessica Chobot, and the gang from Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role joined Vin in the campaign to end all campaigns in a segment we like to call D&Diesel. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a must-watch.

While he was here, Vin spent some time chatting about his work with Dan Casey. After all, Vin Diesel is one of the sneakily nerdiest actors out there. Let’s look at the facts: he’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over twenty years, his character in the Last Witch Hunter is based on one of his original D&D roles, he portrays a highly skilled, alien antihero in the Chronicles of Riddick series, he’s the voice of The Iron Giant AND Groot, and The Fast and the Furious franchise is basically an unofficial superhero flick at this point.

With such a wealth of topics to discuss, Dan got right down to it and asked Vin the hard-hitting questions. Watch as he finds out what would happen if Toretto and his familia took on another cinematic universe, who would win in a fight between Riddick and The Last Witch Hunter‘s Kaulder, what’s next for Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2, and more.

What’s your favorite Vin Diesel movie? Let us know in the comments below.

The Last Witch Hunter charges into theaters Friday, October 23.

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