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Verizon May Be Changing Its Upgrade Policy, And You’re Not Gonna Like It

So you’re waiting patiently for that Verizon iPhone, huh? You might want to know this: Verizon’s changing its upgrade policy. According to Android Central, the new policy means that if you’re on a standard two-year contract, on your primary line, which you have been able to upgrade at a partial discount after a year, you’re going to have to wait until month 21 to upgrade at any discount at all, and the “New Every Two” deal will, according to this thing, be phased out, eliminated for new activations and upgrades after January 16th. But you can always just pay full freight for your new phone, or switch to another carrier and simply pay an early termination f… er… yeah, that’s a lot of money.

Aah, you didn’t want a new phone anyway.

HT: Jason Howell, TWiT

Image: Verizon

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  1. Amerah says:

    Verizon!! yeaaaaaah

  2. my-name-here says:

    Scratch that… it was 18 months early =o

  3. my-name-here says:

    Yeah actually, I don’t want a new phone =]

    I upgraded to the incredible when it first came out, and couldn’t be happier with it. Verizon also let me upgrade 12 months early to get it… and I didn’t even have to ask amazingly.

  4. FrankLemonjello says:

    I love you, Sprint.

  5. barb says:

    *stands up raising right hand*
    I am a Verizon Wireless Customer and have been for most of my adult life. Sure, there have been times I’ve felt trapped and alienated from the rest of mankind…and I suspect my bank account has been directly and brutally compromised…but my loyalty and belief that Verizon can, and WILL change, and be SO much better than all the haters have claimed, keeps me clinging with a pounding and devout heart.
    *air fist bump to Verizon*

  6. mPony says:

    Anybody getting into bed with Verizon is just asking for trouble.

    As far as this becoming industry standard practice: as long as consumers let Verizon’s competitors know that they don’t want this to happen then they at least stand a chance.

  7. Gabriel says:

    I’m not one of their customers but I can only hope that this will cost them a lot of customers and money. I would hate to see this become a standard across the industry.

  8. the dish says:

    I feel my phone service is like being in a marriage. Somethings I’m in love; I don’t mind I spend a lot of money. Other days I want a divorce but maybe “it’s cheaper to keep ‘er ” and I have to get over it.