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Newest VENOM Trailer Has a Whole Lot of Venom

The internet wasn’t exactly pleased back in February when we got the first teaser for Venom. Why? Well, for one thing, it was severely lacking in the one thing fans most wanted to see: Venom. That is not a mistake Sony has repeated, as each new look at the movie has given us plenty of the popular symbiote. In fact, the newest trailer for the film might actually show us too much of him.

The second official trailer doesn’t just feature plenty of both Eddie Brock and his villainous alter ego Venom in all his gory glory, it also features lots moments of the big baddie threatening enemies he encounters, including a lengthy scene where Venom very explicitly tells a would-be victim how he plans to dismember him and eat his face. It’s basically the bluffing scene from the end of The Princess Bride, only instead of being a hero, Westley is a giant half-alien eating machine.

For a trailer whose hook is “the world has enough superheroes,” that’s a pretty telling teaser for fans who were worried Venom could be softened to make him more sympathetic. Clearly he won’t be, especially since we even see Tom Hardy‘s Eddie start to embrace how good it feels to be so bad.

We have had our fill of Venom footage for now, but hopefully though the movie still has plenty of surprises for us. (Like Carnage, maybe?) Venom, which also stars Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze, and Reid Scott, assimilates into theaters this fall on October 5.

What do you think of this trailer? Does it have you more excited for the movie? Tell us why in the comments section below.

Featured Image: Sony

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