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Upfronts Assemble: “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Extended Trailer

It’s a bird! It’s a helicarrier! It’s Agent Coulson?! Back from beyond the grave and ready to trend on Twitter (#CoulsonLives), Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) takes center stage in the newest trailer for ABC’s forthcoming Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers-spinoff series that follows the day-to-day of Nick Fury’s elite intelligence organization, offering us our most in-depth look yet at Marvel’s first foray into TV. With explosions, a superpowered J. August Richards, and Coulson dropping truth bombs on his newly assembled group of field agents, the three minute trailer is exciting, action-packed and intriguing in all the right ways.

Clearly they spent a lot of money on this production, even with the cost-cutting measure of its “superheroes without the super” conceit. Now it’s S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s turn to prove the naysayers wrong. Several burning question remain: who is J. August Richards playing? Is he Luke Cage, as some have speculated? Patriot? (Unlikely, but how cool would it be if he was playing Cloak of Cloak and Dagger fame?) Why did Coulson name his car “Lola”? Alas, we’ll have to wait until Tuesdays this fall to find out or claw our way up to Level 7 security clearance – you know, whichever happens first.


What do you think of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Doc says:

    Not surprisingly, Joss Whedon gets the joke that someone REALLY wanted to spell out S.H.I.E.L.D. It’s a great line. By bringing Coulson back, he also gets the joke that death is only temporary in the Marvel universe. It would be hilarious if Coulson becomes the new Kenny and dies at least once per episode. While I agree with other posts that the show feels very familiar, it’s not yet another “reality” or “reality competition” show, so I’ll take the time to watch it and form an opinion after the first three episodes.

  2. boB says:

    I’m quite optimistic for this show’s fate, given the rampant success of The Avengers under Joss Whedon’s leadership, as well as the success of Smallville and Arrow on the CW. I’m honestly surprised at how many naysayers there are.

  3. Quinn says:

    Cool trailer! Unfortunately this looks like one of those series that’ll end up being canned after the first season because it’s too expensive to produce (e.g. Firefly, Terra Nova). But it’s Joss Whedon so at least the stories should be good.

    Hopefully some of the Avengers will make cameo appearances. Fingers crossed…

  4. Bryan says:

    This gave me more of a Torchwood vibe, sci fi investigators as a supplement to a much cooler, bigger media property.

  5. Bill says:

    Joss + ensemble cast + TV + Marvel = what’s not to love?!

    Whether the Coulson that died was real or a LMD, we all hoped he would return, and now, here he is. Why no me gusta?

  6. sophia says:


  7. CJ says:

    I have more faith in the ABC Network right now then I have with NBC (who just shit-canned most of its television programming) …. if this series fails on ABC? Then perhaps it was meant for the SyFy Channel

  8. Nick says:

    also, let me make an addendum – this trailer is sweet!

  9. Nick says:

    Definitely sceptical, but still… dammit guys… it’s a tv show about S.H.I.E.L.D, have some confidence 😀

  10. RivenSky says:

    Was that Cobie Smulders’ voice at the beginning??

  11. C.Nate says:

    It feels kind of Torchwood-y.

  12. Lucy says:

    I agree. I feel like I see this type of show premiere every year. So I’m pretty “Meh” about it even with Coulson’s return.

  13. Connector says:

    Tired. So tired (this show, not me).