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More Details on SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter Goals and Studio Support

By now, everyone has heard about the massive outpouring of support that Shenmue 3 has seen on Kickstarter since its campaign was announced at E3 last week. Since then, we have learned more about creator Yu Suzuki’s plans for the game, the budget for this project, and even the scope of the game itself. The Kickstarter very quickly reached and surpassed its initial goal of $2 million, and its list of stretch goals currently reaches up to $5 million. Each subsequent tier in these goals offers added features for the game including expanded locations in-game, new gameplay mechanics and systems, and even more mini-games to extend game time and be a fun distraction. In a recent AMA on Reddit, Suzuki commented that that things he really wants to do with Shenmue 3 would become a reality if they could reach that $5 million mark.

While that may sound like a rather lofty goal for his campaign, it is not unreachable. Some of the highest grossing campaigns on the site have been for video games, and the highest grossing of those, for Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night, reached $5.5 million in backing. With Shenmue 3 already accumulating over $3.5 million with a little under a month to go in their campaign time, they have ample opportunity to reach this level. However, Suzuki has also said that the goal backers should really aim for is $10 million. Yu claims that at $10 million the game will “truly have the features of an open world.” He later clarified that unannounced stretch goals for passing $5 million would include more side-activities to open the game up more. “There will be part-time jobs that will be indicative of those you would find in China. In the stretch goals there will also be the old favorites.” Suzuki also hinted that some of those old favorites may include the iconic forklifts.

So, of course, at this point the question that begs to be asked is, what is Sony’s role in all of this? With Suzuki announcing Shenmue’s campaign during the Sony conference at E3, one would have to assume they are involved in some fashion. Why ask fans to donate up to 8 figures for this game to be made when one of the biggest game industry giants is in Suzuki’s corner? Well, according to Cedric Biscay, co-producer of Shenmue 3 and the CEO of Shibuya Productions, Sony will be partially financing the PS4 version of Shenmue 3 as well as contributing to marketing for the game. At this point, though, that seems to be the only details pertaining to major contributors for Shenmue.

HT: VG 24/7

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