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UNIT Scientist Osgood Returns to DOCTOR WHO… Even Though She’s Supposedly Dead

Rule number 1 of Doctor Who (say it with me, folks): Moffat Lies! A million times more lying than the Doctor himself, even. Moffat will say things to the press just to get people thinking one thing and then BOOM he throws a monkey into the wrench. As frustrating as that can be (but, it’s a TV show, so it’s not really all that frustrating), in this particular instance, Moffat’s lies will likely result in some very pleased and relieved fans. It was announced today that Osgood, the UNIT scientist and the Doctor’s biggest fan, played by Ingrid Oliver, will be returning for a two-episode stint in Series 9, even though her character got vaporized by Missy in the finale of Season 8. Buh wha?!

In a statement in the official press release, the executive producer and head writer said, “Osgood is back, fresh from her recent murder at the end of last series. We recently confirmed that Osgood was definitely dead and not returning – but in a show about time travel, anything can happen. The brilliant Ingrid Oliver is back in action. This time though, can the Doctor trust his number one fan?”

The episode is also set to see the return of the Zygons, who appeared in the 1974 story “Terror of the Zygons” as well as the 50th Anniversary special, “Day of the Doctor.” So, Osgood’s a Zygon, right? Like, she has to be a Zygon. Or something else. It’s definitely one of those two things, a Zygon or something else.

The fan-favorite Osgood’s death was mourned more than perhaps any other recent death on the series (more than Danny Pink’s, I dare say) because of how abrupt and brutal it was. But, the outcry from fans might have prompted Moffat to okay her return.

Oliver herself was far from expecting a return, saying, “As every actor who’s worked on Doctor Who will tell you, there’s always the secret hope you’ll get the call asking you to come back. To actually receive that call is both unexpected and brilliant. The word ‘honour’ gets banded about a lot, but it really is, it’s an honour. Especially because I was so sure Osgood was a gonner after the last series!”

The two-part episodes are being filmed now, written by Peter Harness (who wrote last year’s “Kill the Moon” and the upcoming miniseries Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell) and directed by Daniel Nuttheim (Line of Duty), and will also see the return of Jemma Redgrave as UNIT Director Dr. Kate Stewart, who was saved from being sucked out of an airplane by Cyberman Brigadier. So that’s fun.

What do you think? Is Osgood’s return a welcome one, or just another example of heartstring-and-rug-pulling? Let us know in the place below where you can write stuff.

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