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Two BLACK MIRROR Sneak Peeks Show Jump Scares and Social Media Horrors

Two BLACK MIRROR Sneak Peeks Show Jump Scares and Social Media Horrors

The October 21 premiere date of what is arguably the most brilliantly unsettling show on television is getting closer every day. A trailer for the upcoming season has already been released, but if you’ve ever watched an episode of Black Mirror before, you know that a trailer can only capture so much of the madness that is Black Mirror.

To help give us a better picture of what we can expect from the new season, a sneak peek of two episodes, called “Playtest” and “Nosedive,” have been released by Netflix. It seems like the new season of the show will most definitely live up to the messed up and troubling standard we’ve come to expect… let’s just hope there aren’t any pigs in this season.

“Nosedive” stars Bryce Dallas Howard, and tells the story of a woman who lives in a world ruled social media rankings and Yelp-style reviews of social encounters. Essentially, this is what would happen if Reddit upvotes were actual bits of IRL currency that dictated your social standing. Like anything in Black Mirror, it looks like this episode will take a harsh look at what and how we value ourselves and others.

A bonus: the episode was written by Mike Schur and Rashida Jones. So it should no doubt be just as uplifting as Parks and Recreation.

“Playtest” will be an episode that is not only existentially terrifying, but it is also made to be frightening in the traditional jump-scare horror sense. So, basically, this episode will scare ALL of you, not just give you a few jumps, and not just make you fear the future of humankind. Neat, right? The story of “Playtest” will center around a risk-taker who accepts a job at a gaming company. Soon, though, things seem to get a bit out of hand for our ambitious protagonist.

What do you think of the sneak peeks? Are you pumped for the new season of Black Mirror? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Feature Image: Netflix

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