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TV-Cap: PARKS AND REC Premiere Date, Cumberbatch Talks SHERLOCK & THE WALKING DEAD’s Post-Credits

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you guys! What a long weekend it was for television, eh? While all of us were k-holing into some serious Tryptophan euphoria, television was out there making things happen. It wasn’t all just Star Wars, alright?! OK, maybe it was mostly just Star Wars, but still! Today’s TV-Cap is full of funny fun good stuff. Like the official trailer for Togetherness, a start AND end date for Parks and Recreation‘s final season, and that CRAZY Walking Dead surprise in the post-credit sequence. (Take that, Marvel, right?)

So let’s get on with it, shall we? LET’S SHALL.

Togetherness Trailer: HBO’s bringing the Duplass Brothers to the small screen (outside of their time as the doulas of The Mindy Project, natch) with their new series, Togetherness, and we’re already pretty excited about it.

Mike and Saul Reunited: And it feels so good, doesn’t it? Hurry up, Better Call Saul. [Nerdist]

Parks and Recreation‘s Final Season: Starting January 13th, NBC will air back-to-back episodes of Parks and Rec‘s already abbreviated 13-episode long final season, making its finale date February 24th, just over a month later. So, you know — get excited! But make no mistake, this is NBC burning off the series and trying to call it a “touching send-off” when really it’s just THAT over comedy series. Because the peacock’s hard-on for drama programming right now is so unmistakable its downright embarrassing. Sure, Parks and Rec may not get THE best ratings, but it’s pretty much guaranteed to go down as a classic comedy from this era of television that people will talk about and watch for years to come. It’s NICE and still FUNNY! It has Amy Poehler, goddess of everything and Nick Offerman, savior of masculinity. I mean, c’mon, it’s got STAR-LORD IN IT, FER CHRISSAKES. The a-number-one Guardian of the Galaxy! To say nothing of the brilliant Aubrey Plaza, Aziz Ansari, Retta, and Billy Eichner. This is a series that the network should treasure, not because of its ratings (that’d be impossible), but because it was a bastion of goodness in a sea of bullshit comedy. It was decent and hilarious and a wonderful thing and we’re never going to have that again.

Oh THANK GOODNESS: Alert the world and proclaim it from the rooftop because BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH HAS NO DESIRE TO QUIT SHERLOCK. “If we can keep the quality up,” he explained in an interview with Vogue Magazine, “I can’t imagine that I will ever get tired of being Sherlock. I’d love to play him as an old man.” To which the Cumberbrigade replied: “UH YOU BETTER NOT EVER!” [Vogue]

Rayna James’ Wedding Dress: I’m just going to go ahead and say this, Nashville fans — not a big fan of the dress! Rayna could do better, couldn’t she? It’s frilly and weird, no? I mean I know it’s country diva business, but, really? Doesn’t look like she’s all that thrilled about it either, to be honest. Walk away, Rayna! It’s a sign! (Editor’s Note: Cosigned! – RH) [Entertainment Weekly]

CALLING ALL SASSENACHS: There’s a new Outlander trailer aaaaaaiiiiiieeeeee! [Nerdist]

That Post-Credit Sequence, Tho: Oh you Walking Dead fans — how much did you love that post-credit sequence from Sunday night’s “Coda,” eh? I mean, was anyone else expecting (spoilers?) Morgan to show back up? Have no idea what we’re talking about? Did your DVR cut it off last night? Have no fear! That’s why we’re here, folks.

What do you think of NBC’s decision on the Parks and Rec front? Let us know in the comments.



TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

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  1. cScottDavis says:

    I hate it when networks burn off episodes like that… but I hate it a lot less than when they just don’t bother airing the last few episodes at all (which, thankfully, doesn’t happen nearly as often any more as it used to).

  2. Mandi says:

    I think the ratings of the final season will be their highest to date.  This will be due to a combination of Guardians coming out and making Pratt a household name as well as Netflix streaming all of the previous episodes. I’d put money on this.