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TV-Cap: PARKS AND REC Photos Give Us Feels, Charlie Sheen’s MEN Reprise & George Clooney’s TV Return?

Oh Monday, you ol’ scallywag, you! How’d you sneak up on us so fast? Why it feels like only yesterday we were sitting on the couch watching Homeland and stress-eating our feelings. (Oh wait, that was yesterday.) And now, suddenly, you’re here! And what a bounty you’ve brought with you to this here TV-Cap. Why, news of Charlie Sheen’s return to an old show, Donald Glover‘s new TV series — and George Clooney’s, too (yes really)! — updates on NBC’s comedy plans, a joyous video of Fat Schmidt from New Girl dancing, and endless photos from the final day of shooting at Parks and Recreation. Oh what a gift this all is, isn’t it?

So let’s get right to it, shall we? OK SURE TWIST OUR ARM!

First Thing’s First: Didja hear? Donald Glover’s got a new TV pilot in the works! It’s called Atlanta and it’s heading to FX (as a pilot commitment at least). [Nerdist]

Parks and Recre–WE’RE NOT READY: Oh god, the feels you guys. THE FEELS. Excuse us, but the vast majority of today’s TV-Cap is just a jumble of Parks and Recreation love. And you know what? WE’RE NOT SORRY. Not in the slightest (and that’s super-rare for us, trust). Do you even understand? Do you get just how fantastic this series is, was, and will always be? The bundle of hilarious joy and poignant heart that made up one of the happiest, most magically great television comedies of all time? We’re mere weeks away from the series’ hyper-abbreviated season (WE’RE NOT READY!) in January, and on Friday the cast and crew shot their last-ever scenes. The last days of Pawnee are upon us, folks. And naturally a bunch of the folks involved went apeshit on social media, making us cry ALL OF THE TEARS and get far more emotional about a fictional place and group of people than is probably cute and/or socially acceptable.

So instead we’re just going to post ALL of the social media updates. That’s right — a downright egregious amount. But you know what? WE DON’T CARE. We only have so much time left with these beautiful babies. We’re going to make it count! This is like Treat Yoself, but sad, and with not nearly enough fine leather goods. UGH RETTA WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!

I’m crying I’m crying don’t stop it just let it happen SHHHH:


The Office: Middle Earth: This is just pure joy. Watch the video click the thing do it do it. [Nerdist]

Speaking of NBC: With its best comedy series off the air, doesn’t seem all that surprising (even if it’s sad) that NBC is giving the ol’ heave-ho to its iconic Thursday Night Comedy block. This will be the first time in LITERAL DECADES there will be nary a comedy show on the network on Thursdays — instead they’re giving it all to drama (which, considering how packed that is on the rest of the networks, feels like maybe a poor choice?), a/k/a the James Spader Fedora Hour et al. We’re not bitter or anything, nope not at all. Sigh. [The A.V. Club]

Fat Schmidt Found Love: Love or hate Fox’s New Girl you can’t help but appreciate it for giving us the glory that is Max Greenfield’s full comedic abilities. Nothing is better than when he goes Full Schmidt and this video homage to Rihanna’s “We Found Love” featuring a big ol’ Schmidtty is just the sort of medicine one needs to soothe a seared soul. It may have been posted in 2011 but this hidden gem came to light thanks to Zooey Deschanel’s HelloGiggles so really we’ve got heaps of people to thank today. Ooh those sweet, sweet moves as of 2:08. [HelloGiggles]

Thank Goodness: American Idol will only air on Fox one night a week next season. Ahh, the death rattle of singing competition television, mayhaps? (Fingers crossed.) [TVLine]

Steve Carell’s Got That Feeling: …and he wants sexual healing (really). (OK not really-really but kinda-sorta OH JUST CLICK THE LINK ALREADY). [Nerdist]

Charlie Sheen’s Totally Going Back to Men: Ashton Kutcher’s shitty pokerface has brought us the revelation that the actor who formerly fronted Two and a Half Men (pre-tigerblood Warlock days) will likely be back in the show’s series finale later next year. C’MON DUDE, you’re an actor! [MTV]

Clooney Returns to TV: Well, sorta! It’s the 1990s all over again! Or, at least, a show about the 1990s. George “The Cloon” Clooney is set to team up with Foxcatcher director Bennett Miller and Rescue Me creator Peter Tolan to create a one-hour dramedy exploring the movie business of the 1990s, no doubt pulling from Georgie-Boy’s own experiences. [Vulture]

Tell us: how are you coping with the end of Parks and Rec? Leave your methods in the comments.

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  1. Abot. says:

    Never was there a more hilarious and diverse (and I don’t mean that in the PC workplace way) set of characters on television. Each with his or her singular, essential role on the show. And somehow, amazingly, each equally as funny. I don’t think my bestie and I will ever stop comparing our relationship to Anne and Leslie’s. So much love for Parks & Rec. <3

  2. Riggs says:

    I can finish what ever tissue boxes weren’t used.. D’: WAAA