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TV-Cap: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD Spinoff Debuts, John Hurt Returns as the War Doctor, and More

Zombies are everywhere, basically. With Fear the Walking Dead’s first season coming to a close and its web series debuting, and The Walking Dead returning with Season 6 on October 11, it feels like walkers are inescapable. Today’s TV-Cap has the first installment of Fear the Walking Dead Flight 462, a look ahead at Season 2 of the series, news about how John Hurt will reprise his role on Doctor Who, Emily Bett Rickards introducing Felicity Smoak’s new role on Arrow, and more.

Trapped on a Plane. When an outbreak hits, it seems inevitable that some of the people affected are going to be on planes. Fear the Walking Dead Flight 462 goes there. Zombies on a plane. Yep. The spinoff of Fear the Walking Dead just premiered the first of a 16-part series. New episodes will be released every week in the AMC app and during The Walking Dead. [Nerdist]

An Ending and a Beginning. The first season of Fear the Walking Dead has come to a close, and things certainly ramped up as the season continued. The finale had a herd of walkers and plenty of tension. Read Dan’s recap of “The Good Man,” and then watch the above video looking ahead to Season 2. The cast and crew have some thoughts about what the characters and world will face, and spoilers: it’s brutal. [Slashfilm]

On the Case. We all should have seen this coming: CBS wants to bring a Nancy Drew series to the small screen. They’re developing a contemporary take on the character and putting Nancy in her 30s, working as a detective for the NYPD. That doesn’t really sound too different from other procedurals. I like the idea of another female-led show, but Nancy Drew? We could let that character live in the past. [The Hollywood Reporter]

Living Alone. Nicholas Sparks’ next project isn’t about lost loves reuniting or finding love in improbable circumstances. It’s about being single. He’s sold a comedy called The Next Chapter to ABC. It’s a semi-autobiographical story about a romance novelist—Ben Diamond—who gets divorced and has to find his way in the world again. Maybe watching this won’t require tissues. [Deadline]

War Doctor Adventures. John Hurt’s War Doctor was one of my very favorite things about “The Day of the Doctor.” That’s because John Hurt is awesome. He’s not returning to the TV series as far as we know, but Hurt will be reprising his role for Big Finish’s Doctor Who audio series. The four part set will take listeners on new adventures with the War Doctor, and part one will be released in December. Just don’t listen while you’re wearing sandshoes—he’ll know. [Nerdist, Image: Big Finish]

More Scripts for You. The CW has upped their order for iZombie and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Each series has five more scripts. iZombie returns with Season 2 on October 6 (that’s tonight),and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend premieres on October 12. [Variety]

A Woman in Charge. Palmer Tech has a new CEO, and it’s Felicity Smoak. Arrow returns with Season 4 on October 7, and the above clip from the premiere episode features Emily Bett Rickards explaining Felicity’s role within the company. [Arrow]

Making a Sacrifice. Magic always comes with a price. That’s one of the rules in Once Upon a Time, and it reared its head in the most recent episode, appropriately titled “The Price.” We saw a little of how things started to go south for Emma in Camelot, and we explored whether Regina can actually become The Savior and protect Storybrooke. Read Samantha’s recap of the episode right this way.

Placeholders. Season 2 of The Leftovers kicked off on HBO on Sunday, and it had new opening credits. The intro (embedded above) is a stream of photos with people missing—the idea being that those people disappeared. Series executive producer Damon Lindelof talked to Vulture about switching them up, and he said it felt like it was time for a change and that the credits from Season 1 don’t match what the show has become. He said, “They weren’t self-aware. I think the new title sequence is self-aware. It knows what it is. And it’s tonally more in line with what I want the show to be, or what I know the show can be.” What do you think of the change? [Vulture]

What do you think about Fear the Walking Dead Flight 462 and/or the Season 1 finale? Head to the comments and let me know.

Featured Image: AMC

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