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TV-Cap: A DEADLY ADOPTION Extended Trailer, TEEN WOLF Season 5 Premiere Clip, and More

You know it’s going to be an interesting day when the news includes updates on Lifetime movies. Yes, plural. Continue onward to read about those two Lifetime movies—one starring Will Ferrell and Kristin Wiig—and also watch six minutes from the Teen Wolf Season 5 premiere, listen to Helen Mirren read about torture, and see Doctor Who Comic-Con exclusives.

When Things Go Wrong. A phrase I never expected to hear has been floating around lately. Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig made a Lifetime movie… and I don’t know what to make of the trailer. Ferrell and Wiig bring a potential birth mother into their home, she starts going all Hand That Rocks the Cradle (that was one frightening movie), and then things escalate. I kept waiting for a punchline that doesn’t come, and I think watching the whole film will be like that. We’ll see. A Deadly Adoption will air this Saturday, June 20, at 8:00pm on Lifetime.

Ryder Television. One of Netflix’s upcoming series is a supernatural thriller formerly known as Montauk from the Duffy brothers. The eight-episode show centers on a case of a boy disappearing into thin air with a side of government conspiracy and supernatural forces, and they’ve nabbed Winona Ryder to play the boy’s mother. Well played, Netflix. [Vulture]

Keep Checking In. For those of you who need more creepy interactions between Norman Bates (Freddie Highmore) and his mom Norma Louise Bates (Vera Farmiga) in Bates Motel, you’re in luck. A&E has renewed the series for Seasons 4 and 5 so we’ll continue to see how Norman becomes the psychopath we know from Psycho–for better or worse. [Give Me My Remote]

Help from Friends. John Oliver tackled the topic of torture on Last Week Tonight recently and after an amusing montage of Mel Gibson’s characters being tortured in films, he talks about he subject of torture in real life. He specifically touches on the CIA’s 6,700 page Detention and Interrogation Protocol. Some 500 pages of the title are available for public consumption, and Oliver got Helen Mirren to read passages. It’s kind of the best and worst at the same time. [Deadline]

Remember HBO Now? You guys, come on. HBO has provided a way to enjoy their television shows a la carte–a legal way. You can subscribe to their standalone streaming service HBO Now to keep up with shows like Game of Thrones. But no. The Season 5 finale of Game of Thrones is smashing piracy records with 1.5 million downloads in just eight hours. I’m giving those of you taking the piracy route disappointed looks right now. [Nerdist, gif via tehvortex]

Unauthorized in a Fancy Zip Code. Two mentions of Lifetime movies in a single day–how pumped are you right now? TVLine has confirmed the network’s next unauthorized story will focus on Beverly Hills, 90210. In case you forgot, Lifetime has taken this route for both Full House and Saved by the Bell already, and they probably won’t stop with Beverly Hills. The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story will go behind the scenes of the first four seasons of the teen drama to look at “drama between cast members and producers both on and off-set.” [TVLine]

It Starts with a Shower. The Season 5 premiere of Teen Wolf is just about two weeks away, but you don’t have to wait to watch the first six minutes. It takes place in the future after a small jump forward and is all about Lydia (Holland Roden) being badass. It’s not like the Lydia we know, and it’s exciting. The premiere episode will air in two parts on June 29 and June 30. [TVLine]

Whovian Exclusives. When you make your plan of attack for Comic-Con International in San Diego, don’t forget abut exclusives! Titan has announced vinyl figures featuring characters from Doctor Who and Sherlock. You’ll be able to purchase a couple of different David Tennants as the Tenth Doctor and/or Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock. At $15-$20, these are pretty affordable collectibles, but you should budget time in your schedule to stand in line. View the rest of Titan’s exclusive Comic-Con offerings right here at Nerdist.

Will you be tuning into A Deadly Adoption? Head to the comments and let me know what you think of the trailer.

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