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Try The Interactive Video FREAKS AND GEEKS Retro-Game

Our friends the Fine Brothers have created interactive retro video games — actual videos done 8-bit or 16-bit style that you can “play” to various conclusions by making choices for the characters — before, and you might recall their version of a Saved By the Bell game. They’ve done it again, with a show even more beloved around here. Behold, the interactive Freaks and Geeks game:

What’s different here? Well, besides being able to play a Freaks game, the Fines will do an “expansion pack” to unlock a Geeks game in about a month in which you can play as Sam Weir. There are 15 videos with 7 interactive points, pretty impressive for the work of three guys, the Fines and, again, Doctor Octoroc, their musical accomplice. It’s pretty excellent; go help Lindsay navigate high school all over again….

FALLOUT 4 Takes Game of The Year at The 2016 D.I.C.E. Awards

FALLOUT 4 Takes Game of The Year at The 2016 D.I.C.E. Awards

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Farmers Are Using Flamethrowing Tractors

Jughead Becomes a Werewolf in a New Archie Comics Special

Jughead Becomes a Werewolf in a New Archie Comics Special

