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First TOMB RAIDER Trailer Gives Us the Lara Croft We’ve Been Waiting for

We know the rule about getting too excited for video game movies–don’t. After all, we’ve been hurt so many times before. But sweet pixelated, puzzle-solving heavens! The first trailer for the new Tomb Raider film is making some terrific headway in getting our hopes up.

What makes the trailer so exciting is how well it brings memorable moments from the game–read: the exceptional 2013 variant–to life. Between these highlights, we get a pretty straightforward explanation of what the titular raider of tombs will be up to in her 2018 adventure: Alicia Vikander‘s Lara Croft will set out on her first journey of world-saving do-goodery thanks to some secret information left for her by her father, who has been missing for seven years.

Not only do we have years’ worth of experience being disappointed by video games in general, but of Tomb Raider films in particular. We remember all too well the sting of a certain CGI training robot from the first attempt to bring Lara Croft to the big screen. Yet, it seems this new set of filmmakers–director Roar Uthag (The Wave) and screenwriter Geneva Robertson-Dworet (who is also working on Captain Marvel, Gotham City Sirens, and a Dungeons & Dragons movie) are trying to do the character and the world she lives in justice.

It also doesn’t hurt that Vikander is a dead ringer for Croft and this BTS clip shows just how much work she put into bringing the character to life.

What are your hopes for Tomb Raider? Think it’ll be a great video game movie? Will we get the Croft Mansion crate-centric training course we’ve always wanted!? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Curious about Tomb Raider?

Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

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