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Episode 11: Today We Learned
Andy Kozel

Today We Learned #11: Andy Kozel

The secret origins of popsicles! What those twist ties on loaves of bread really mean! Additional and sundry factoids! The guys talk about all this and more when comedian Andy Kozel swings by the studio to help drop some knowledge.

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  1. Razzle says:

    Haha, damn silent letters!!

    Awesome Dani!

    Thanks for the tip and thanks for listening!!!


  2. Dani Johnson says:

    Speaking of autocorrect teaching us how to spell…did you know menstruation has a U in it? I’ve been spelling it wrong since I can remember…AND I MENSTRUATE!!!

    Also, there are a few ways to “teach” your autocorrect weird words, or to stop it from autocorrecting “bad” words. Of course, you can always add the word as a keyboard shortcut, which is what you’d have to do if you want your phone to actually autocorrect if you misspell a “bad” word, but you can also just use the (non “bad”) word as a search term in safari, an it automagically adds it to your dictionary. But, it seems to not work with “bad” words, however, it WILL stop autocorrecting them to other things, like ducking.