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Thrilling Adventure Hour

THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR: These Are the Music Makers

In the latest behind-the-scenes look at Thrilling Adventure Hour, the musicians take the spotlight. See how regular artists like Jonathan Dinerstein, Eban Schletter, and Sara and Sean Watkins are able to shape the tone of the show, finding moments of sweetness and warmth amid all of the comedy. And if that’s not enough, we get to spend some time with the Andy Paley Orchestra, the brainchild of songwriter-composer Andy Paley, who’s worked with some of the biggest acts in the industry.

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  1. Grain says:

    taken from the intro I memorized a couple years ago: Recorded in Sunny Los Angeles, California, America, At Largo At the Coronet … Music by Andy Paley and the Andy Paley Orchestra!!! I loved this production so much… I stopped listening though… I guess I’ll get caught up ^_^