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This Short Film about Mechanized Boredom is Freakishly Satisfying

So, it’s pretty easy for our lives to collapse into a monotonous routine. Think about it! We have to climb out of bed every day, go to sleep, eat our three meals, go to work, run labor intensive and tedious errands–yep, that hum-drum list goes on forever. In light of this, the animation folks over at molistudio have made a (deceptively simple) short film called Endless, which portrays mechanized boredom. Their Vimeo page tells us that it’s a story about “seeking and not finding.” That’s a frustrating idea to wrestle with, and definitely a tough concept to tackle in an animation–yet this team does it seamlessly.

And yes, granted, we don’t usually glue our eyeballs to films about boredom, but this one is oddly satisfying to watch, so mark my words. I actually watched it twice, because it felt really therapeutic to be hypnotized for a few minutes. The upbeat music by Anybody There also gives it a nice punch, along with the rotating color scheme. Without further ado, I invite you to relieve your stress by pressing play below.

In my opinion, the film makes you want to spring to your feet and go and do something. Anything. If that’s the intention, I believe the experiment was a mighty fine success!

If you’re keen to view more hypnotizing videos from molistudio, check out their website. They’re hugely into motion graphics, interactive experiences, and creating imagery that is, like this film, strangely pleasing.

What did you think of Endless? Reach out to me on Twitter, or sound off in the comments below.

HT: Vimeo/molistudio

IMAGE: molistudio

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