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This Pop Culture Inspired U.S. Currency Is Something We Want in Our Wallets

Ever few years, U.S. currency is updated to better thwart counterfeiters and put a fresh face on the paper we carry around every day to buy cool things like comics, video games and movie tickets. However, after spending such a long period staring at the same old presidents, some people think it’s time for a photo-op upgrade.

Enter artist James Charles who did just that in an old Shooting Gallery exhibition from 2011 called American Iconomics that featured some defaced U.S. currency (among other works) that will make your pop culture obsessed minds very happy. Below are some select pieces from the collection which can be viewed on Shooting Gallery’s website in full:

The face hugger on Lincoln is one of our favorites. Just imagine how different the world would be if xenomorphs were around in his time to clean s**t up. Oh wait, they were around back then, they have been for a while… at least according to Alien vs Predetor anyway.

Yoda, Mr.T, Pinhead, Charles really hit a nice grouping of icons that we wish were roaming the depths of our wallets and purses. When it comes to cool spins on old school, everyday items, this is definitely at the top of the list. Now what we want to know is if Charles can do a sequel exhibition with coins. World knows we’d kill to be able to do our laundry with some limited edition Captain Kirk quarters.

Which piece is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

[HT Gizmodo]

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  1. Arson says:

    if you like art like this, check out @comaenvy on instagram. in my opinion just as good, if not better!