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This Norwegian Metal Cover of The FRIENDS Theme Song Will Eviscerate You

Friends worked so well as a TV show because the characters were like us, if we were a bit kookier and got into crazier hijinks. But they were relatable: They had friend problems, they went to work and didn’t always love it, they loved, they lost, and they really did feel like our friends.

But what if you and your friends were more into headbangingly intense Norwegian death metal? How would you relate to this young group of pals making their way through city life with nary a power chord or distortion pedal? Thankfully, Leo Moracchioli has filled that gap with an absolutely brutal cover of the show’s iconic theme song, and it rocks.

He couldn’t get the fountain for his video, but the couch and outdoor setting still lay the basic tableau that helps make the cover work. The main appeal, of course, is Moracchioli’s hilarious rendition of the track. The poppy melodies shine through just as well in this more intense style of guitar, and his gritty vocals admittedly lose their original charm, but take on an entirely different kind of appeal, one that appeases the more brooding among us.

Moracchioli is experienced at making these types of covers: He’s made a bunch of them in his day, including this surprisingly effective take on Adele’s “Hello.”

Check out the Friends theme song cover above, and let us know if you’ll be there when the rain starts to fall.

But what if FRIENDS took place in 2016?

Image: NBC

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