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This KEY & PEELE Recap of GAME OF THRONES is the Only One You Really Need

Dat Dinkles tho! If there’s any one duo that understands our deep and obsessive love for all things Game of Thrones it is most assuredly The Valets. Because their effusive passion and disregard for basic facts and pronunciations in favor of the real emotional output is something that just speaks to us — particularly when it comes to the storytelling insanity that goes on throughout the HBO/George R.R. Martin neverending book series.

Naturally, this one’s got a heck of a lot of spoilers in it for anyone who hasn’t seen the past four seasons of Thrones. Oh, and the language isn’t always SFW, either, so y’know — wear headphones or something unless your boss is a profound lover of all things Khaleesis.

Watch as the Key & Peele stars ~get on our level~ (emotionally speaking) when it comes to recapping the doings of the Known Realm’s first four seasons’ worth of shockers. Since we all know that’s what the game of thrones is actually all about: the craziest of the crazy-ass shit.

Because I mean C’MON: how crazy was that Ned Starks beheading? And the four in one death extravaganza that was the Red Wedding? To say nothing of Big Dave Navarro (a.k.a. Khal Drogo) and his shocking departure. Although they know — as do we all — that Taiwan Lannisters death was the nuttiest of all, amirite? LIKE REALLY THO HE GOT SO KILT SO GOOD ON THE SHITTER BY HIS SON THE DINKLES. I mean DAMN that is some crazy business!

OK so who else is dying for Game of Thrones‘ return this Sunday? Let us hear it in the comments!

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