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This Elaborate Gingerbread Hogwarts Makes Us Expecto Deliciousum

Christmas may be done for another year, but we are SOOO not done with gingerbread. Yet, anyway. And if people like redditor “louisesiuol” keep making replicas that make us drool first with envy and then with our actual hunger-tasty-thingies, we never will be.

Taste buds. I know they’re called taste buds. And saliva glands. Momentary imagined dessert coma defeated my vocabulary there for a sec. Look, I’m not a scientist or anything.


It took about a week to design and put together, but merely two hours to cook.

That clock tho….


It will take a Death Eater to destroy this. As in, someone who eats so much gingerbread that they die.


But we can cross that bridge when we come to…Oh wait, there it is.


It was made for a contest, which means everything that you can see has to be edible. And by the time the judging takes place, you probably won’t want to actually consume it, as it’s been out for a while and might have inedible structural elements inside. Also, while I’m ruining everybody’s fun, Hogwarts isn’t a real place and you can’t actually go study there.

See, isn’t better to just imagine happy things? We WILL go to wizard school. We WILL eat this gingerbread Hogwarts one day. And it WILL not add to our waistlines in the least. I’ll deal with sobering realities on New Year’s Day, thankyaverymuch, and not a moment before.

How do you like the School of Wizardry in cookie form? Anything you’d add? Augment our imaginary appetites with your ideas, below.

HT: laughingsquid
Images: louisesiuol on imgur

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