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These STAR WARS, PAC-MAN and Other Nerdy Suits are Stylish, Silly, and We Need Them

These STAR WARS, PAC-MAN and Other Nerdy Suits are Stylish, Silly, and We Need Them

“Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

Those words have stuck with me ever since I heard them as a small child, and that’s why I still dress like an astronaut every day. But what if the job you want is as a Lucasfilm executive? Or maybe you yearn to be employed by Namco so you can develop a new Pac-Man game. Then what? How do you convey to the higher ups that you are to be taken seriously as an applicant, but also that you are a fun person to have around the office. Not. A. Problem.

Not with these ridiculous/awesome/stylish/silly suits inspired by some of our favorite nerdy things.

Oppo Suits say they like to “do things differently,” which is why their fine clothing options are “the exact opposite of regular boring business suits.” And they aren’t kidding, because besides Star Wars and Pac-Man they have suits based on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, America itself, Mardi Gras, Braveheart, lumberjacks, the Union Jack, mustaches, zombies, Dia De Los Muertos, and Christmas.

Yes, loyal Nerdist reader, we had the same thought: this company looks like something that was created from a Dan Casey fever dream. (Which is probably why he wore them on Slo-Mo Destructo.)

I mean, where else would you find suits with names like “Gangstaclaus” (a combo of Christmas and a ’20s gangster) and “Badaboom” (a suit covered with the word “badaboom” written all over it in Adam West era Batman style)?

We have some of our other favorites in the gallery below, but make sure you head over to see all of them. Even their collection of brightly colored suits is worth your time and money (all suits are priced between $100 and $110), especially when so many of them come with the option of shorts instead of pants.

Because sometimes the job you want requires you to work in the summer. Or in a cartoon. Or as a Nerdist editor.

Which one of these suits do you most want to wear? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: Oppo Suits



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