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These Adorable Crocheted POKEMON are Completely Exhausted

Pokémon battles might be an exhilarating way for trainers to bond with their special Pokémon, but tell you what: They sure are tiring, regardless of how many Hyper Potions the creatures are given after the fact. Artist Heartstringcrochet sought to capture the post-battle exhaustion with a series of adorable crocheted creatures that are so cute, we’re having a hard time being able to even. The Pokémon are depicted laying on their tuckered-out little bellies, but with an encouraged little smile that shows they know they’ll have more energy again soon.

This is a good-news-sad-news situation: The good news is that if you so choose, you can buy a Cubone, Mudkip, Psyduck, Meowth, Growlithe, and Mew right now from Heartstringcrochet’s online store. The sad news is that those are the only ones available at the moment — in the past he’s made equally endearing representations of beloved characters like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, too.

Heartstringcrochet pokemon 1

If you prefer your Pokémon upright, Heartstringcrochet has also crafted plenty of not-laying-down ones for your viewing pleasure — like Torchic, Chikorita and others (and if you want to try making your own Chikorita, you can totally buy a pattern and take a stab at it).

Aside from Pokémon, there are tons of other gorgeous curiosities in Heartstringcrochet’s back catalog, whether you’re down with BB-8 or Digimon or Pusheen or cube-shaped chickens or an octo-panda or turtles of the Teenage Mutant Ninja variety.

The overarching point of all of this is that those who want to stimulate the pleasure centers of their brain can look at Heartstringcrochet’s creations here, and buy some here. Let us know in the comments which ones overloaded you with cuteness the most.

And since we’re talkin’ Pokémon, why not see why everyone hates Popplio?

Images: Heartstringcrochet

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