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The X-Men Enter CIVIL WAR II in June

During Marvel’s original Civil War crossover event, the X-Men were relegated to a four-issue tie-in miniseries that turned out to be largely inconsequential to the overall story. For Civil War II, history is partially repeating itself. But this time, the X-Men may have a bigger role to play.

At Saturday’s In-Store Convention Kick-Off, Uncanny X-Men writer Cullen Bunn announced a Civil War II: X-Men four-issue miniseries with artist Andrea Broccardo. David Yardin provided the cover image for the first issue, which features the X-Men teams from Extraordinary X-Men and Uncanny X-Men as a prelude to their conflict in this storyline.

Civil War II X-Men 1 Cover

Note that Medusa of the Inhumans is also prominently featured on the cover, which suggests that this miniseries could shed more light on the conflict between the Inhumans and the X-Men since it was revealed that the Inhumans’ terrigen mists have been killing mutants.

As one of the regular X-Men writers, Bunn may have more leeway in putting something in this story that actually impacts the ongoing X-titles. Last Friday, Marvel also released a Civil War II teaser featuring the young Jean Grey surrounded by the Phoenix force that possessed her past…or rather, her future self. That alone suggests that Jean has a major role in the new Civil War.

Jean Grey Civil War II

Noticeably missing from the Civil War II: X-Men cover is the third team from the All-New X-Men series. If the adult X-Men are on the verge of a fight, it stands to reason that the young X-Men from the past and their team may become involved as well.

Civil War II: X-Men # 1 is slated to be released in June.

What do you want to see in the Civil War II: X-Men miniseries? Activate Cerebro and share your thoughts below!


HT: Comic Book Resources

Image Credits: Marvel Comics

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