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The Twist Ending to “AOTS”


If you missed the final Attack of the Show on G4, you missed an ending for the ages. In a Newhart-style closing, after the everybody-on-stage ending with Matt Mira and Chris Hardwick, of course, right up front waving goodbye, the show hit the rewind button to a coffee shop somewhere in San Francisco, where Leo Laporte snaps to and tells Patrick Norton about his strange dream….

It was a seriously classy way for AOTS to go out. Leo’s been open about the bad feelings lingering from the demise of The Screen Savers and Tech TV, and this scene brings some closure to the whole thing.

Plus, jetpacks.

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air



  1. Wayne D. says:

    I’m late to the party. That’s no surprise.

    That version’s gone, but there’s the “official” video in 480p (woo!) here:

  2. i like that they went through with it. according to this that ending was in the works for awhile!

  3. Ryan says:

    *Presses Play*

    “This video contains content from G4, who has blocked it on Copyright grounds.”


  4. Gary Bravender says:

    Hadn’t seen Leo Laporte for so long I hardly recognized him.Sad,Mad and generally pissed off that AOTS is now only a memory.Comcast U-SUCK!!! Good luck to all the people that were involved with making AOTS.A Show unique unto itself with no rival.
    ATN! ATN! ATN!

  5. CXRengel says:

    I honestly had hopes that TechTV was going to make a comeback. A fitting way to end the show.

  6. Atticus says:



  7. Zenjack says:

    Thanks, AOTS. Since the day we first got Tivo, you helped me wake up in the morning. I will miss you and I genuinely hope all the great talent will go on to do amazing things. Bless you all.

  8. JetpackBlues says:

    I had the blues. Damn it, Candace, for breaking out into tears like that….

    After a month’s worth of re-runs and fun recap shows hosted by Chris, it seemed like protracted torture leading up to a taped ‘finale’.

    Oh well, I’m not an NBC/Comcast/Whatever’sComingNext exec. that decided when, or how, the show would end.

    Farewell all, you gave us the best of times.

  9. CJ says:

    That was EPIC (in a great way) with a pleasant tribute to TECH TV / Screen Savers … yes there were things that irritated me about G4, but my worst fear has occurred – no Tech Tv & no G4 !!

    Once again, FUCK YOU comcast (lower case, because you don’t deserve to be known as an important entertainment company even if you do own Universal) !!

    I certainly hope EVERYONE moves on to better things hosting Online & On Cable TV & I hope G4’s replacement – Esquire Channel – fails so bad they have to file bankruptcy). If Viacom had any brains? They’d grab as much talent as they can & start offering programming on SPIKE TV !!

  10. Sean says:

    Yeah that was a trip, full circle.

  11. Sean Roney says:

    Very nice ending to the show. Especially great to see Leo’s idea made real. He mentioned this a few times on the podcast. And nice smucker there, Chris!

  12. flabeo says:

    It couldn’t have closed any better.. great work folks. I look forward to what all that talent brings us in the future..

  13. +AdamB. says:

    Okay, THAT was awesome. As someone who felt a little burned by G4 taking some of the best aspects of TechTV (considering their network before the merger had very little) then firing everyone… This is a nice quasi-apology.
    Also got chills hearing the Screen Savers music…

  14. soal says:

    Much love and well wishes to all the people who now can now go out and follow there new dreams and creative projects.

    Great ending!

  15. Gene says:

    @Josh, you can find Leo on now, doing a ton of stuff. It’s not exactly Screen Savers, but it’s a lot closer to what ZDTV/TechTV was.

  16. Josh says:

    That was great. I really miss Tech TV and the Screensavers. I wish there was a way to bring it back. As a web series maybe Leo?

  17. Gene says:

    Okay, I’ll give ’em credit for that… that was a pretty good ending.

  18. Oh, curse you DirectTV. Curse you all to hell.