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Episode 135: The Todd Glass Show
Blake Wexler
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #135: Blake Wexler

A family show with the hilarious Blake Wexler!

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  1. Christian Ironic says:

    I love the bit how Todd destroys the phrase “Well you reach and age when…” because that’s one that always bothered me. We’re born without asking. We don’t get to pick our brains we just have one. Stuff just happens to us whether we like it or not and it changes us.

    I have a friend who became a junkie and it was the least surprising thing I’d ever seen. He lived in abject poverty his whole life. Half the time his family was living in and out of different motels. Is it any surprise he’d be depressed and self medicate? He’s in his 20’s now and I’m sure some people would go, “Well you reach an age when….” and just cut him loose, but that’s bullshit. If you know someone like that you have to do your damnedest to help them and hope that something gets through to them and they can live a better life.