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Front-Facing THE SIMPSONS Characters Are the World’s Worst Nightmare

Normally the only thing that comes to mind when you think of The Simpsons and the word “scary” is the show’s annual Treehouse of Horror Halloween special, and those don’t exactly keep anyone from falling asleep at night. But it turns out that for nearly three decades the iconic cartoon has secretly been giving us the most nightmarish thing on television in plain sight, when their characters face forward.

On Twitter this week, fans were horrified when confronted with the realization that when the characters, who are normally drawn in profile, face straight forward at the screen, they become demonic hell beasts who look like something straight out of a bad LSD trip. Seriously, some of these are downright awful to look at.

Aww geez there, we knew Moe wasn’t the best looking guy in Springfield, but we didn’t realize he was an actual monster when you looked at him straight on. But we’re not sure it’s really his fault, because even the “nice” ones look off and unsettling.

There are so many examples of these that it turns out there’s an entire Tumblr page dedicated to them, but be warned: you will never be able to unsee them.

So why does this happen when the characters turn forward, since we trust the artists know how to draw? Maybe it’s as simple as their basic design doesn’t lend itself to looking straight ahead. Or maybe since we see them in profile 99.9% of the time anything else looks weird, sort of how South Park characters look strange in profile.

Or maybe the reason The Simpsons has been on forever is they were waiting for us to catch on to the fact it’s not only been the best cartoon ever, it’s also been the scariest.

What front-facing character is the most terrifying? We’ll be looking in our comments for your answer.

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Featured Image: Fox

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