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The Rock Is Launching His Own YouTube Channel

Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson’s short clips rack up millions of views on Instagram, but now it appears he’s looking to get into a more substantial form of internet video production. In the description of a recent Instagram video teasing a new YouTube channel from The Rock, he wrote, “There are powerful secrets behind The People’s Eyebrow. So powerful that I’m bringing together the brightest, most entertaining minds on the internet to share them with the world.”

Now the YouTube channel is starting to get off the ground: With just a trailer that takes the form of a fantasy movie teaser, The Rock’s channel already has over 130,000 subscribers.

“I should start a YouTube channel,” he says in the video, looking directly at the camera. Then he turns and says, “Hey Ray: Go ahead and, uh, call the president of the internet, tell him Rock’s got a hell of an idea.” Looking back at us, he continues, “Yeah, it’s time to change the game. Yeah, but first Rock’s gotta clear his, um, his browsing history.”

It appears the channel’s content will be produced by Seven Bucks Productions, a “a multi-platform production company pioneering original content for television, film, emerging technologies, and digital networks” co-founded by The Rock.

Watch the channel trailer above, and let’s speculate about what types of videos The Rock’s going to make for YouTube. Unboxing videos? Short films? Let’s Play videos? Whatever this creative space ends up being, we have no doubt it’ll be worth subscribing to.

Featured Image: The Rock

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