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The Road So Far Takes a Hilarious Turn in the SUPERNATURAL Season 10 Gag Reel

[Video has been removed]

When you’re in the middle of having a Day, sometimes all it takes is a little moment to snap you out of a mood and make you feel better about the world. Let me tell you that if you are in said mood, this almost seven-minute gag reel from Season 10 of Supernatural will help. It has that kind of power. Few things are as funny as watching the actors in the usually serious and frequently bleak show goof around. Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester), Misha Collins (Castiel), Mark Sheppard (Crowley), Felicia Day (Charlie), Timothy Omundson (Cain), and many more familiar faces make appearances and all of it is giffable.

Season 10 was brutal at points. There was the wonderful but oh so emotional 200th episode (it’s called “Fan Fiction,” and even if you’re behind on Supernatural, you should drop everything and watch it as soon as you can), there was the drama with Dean and basically everyone, there was the Mark of Cain causing most of that drama, and there was Sammy going to extreme lengths to save his brother’s life. And then, well, there was the loss of a beloved character who really shouldn’t have been killed and the death of another character who had a lot of potential. Cheerful, right? On the upside, Jim Beaver did bring the ever delightful Bobby Singer back for an episode.

You can see bits and pieces of all of the road left behind in Season 10 in the gag reel, and if you find yourself needing more Supernatural laughs, you should treat yoself and watch The Hillywood Show’s Supernatural parody.

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